First off let me say, if you write a review and you get an error and think your review is gone. Just right click and choose back, and there your review is:)
But this movie was totally killer, there was a wide use of many different camera angles and cinematic shots. I liked how in the battle scene the camera shook and jolted as the fight raged on.
The Zombies gathering around was another great scene. It seemed as if all the zombies had been hand drawn and scanned into the movie. The way they were drawn and animated made me as a viewer dread their appearance.
The explosion was great also, I was glad Riggs finally destroyed the atmosphere thing. I also liked the flash back scenes and the captions (a blessing for me because I don't have sound).
Who was that zombie with the visor? Was that the guy that threw the virus into the Atmosphere generator?
Anyways this was a great movie, best of the series so far, and nice work with the zombie wearing the Jason mask and the zombie with the weiner. Really funny. I like where this series is going. Can't wait for the next episode!